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Rashi Horoscope Zodiac Calculator


Rashi Horoscope Zodiac Calculator is used for calculating rashi or Horoscope from your name. This calculator is free of cost. it will tell you what is your Rashi Horoscope Zodiac sign. we will tell you in this article how to use it. and how it works.

Also you will get to know how you can use your calculated Rashi Horoscope Zodiac sign to understand your daily rashifal and vogue horoscope.

Rashi/Horoscope/ Zodiac Calculator

Rashi/Horoscope/ Zodiac Calculator

Enter your first letter of English name to find your Rashi. अपने इंग्लिश नाम के पहले अक्षर को डालें ताकि आप अपनी राशि पा सकें।

Check your Rashifal here daily अपना दैनिक राशिफल यहाँ क्लिक क्र के देखे

आज का राशिफल Todays Horoscope

How Rashi Horoscope Zodiac Calculator works?

by following these steps and using rashi calculator you can find your Horoscope or zodiac sign from your name.

  1. Enter your english name frist letter or syllable in the box.
  2. then you have to click on the calculate Rashi button.
  3. Once you click it will give start calculating your horoscope and give you result just below .
  4. Also it will give you a personalized zodiac tip of your calculated horoscope.
  5. Also you can check your daily horoscope by clicking this link :- “daily horoscope

Also read :- जन्म कुंडली ज्योतिषीय जन्म चार्ट: आपका जीवन chart मुफ्त में प्राप्त करें

what to do if this calculator not calculate my Horoscope sign ?

if this free Horoscope calculator not calculate or you want to validate weather its correct or not you can see below table and based on it you can calculate your rashifal :-

Ariesमेष’: [‘A’, ‘E’, ‘I’, ‘L’, ‘O’, ‘Ch’],
‘Taurusवृषभ’: [‘B’, ‘U’, ‘V’, ‘W’, ‘Wa’, ‘We’, ‘Wi’, ‘Wo’],
‘Geminiमिथुन’: [‘A’, ‘C’, ‘H’, ‘K’, ‘Gh’, ‘Ke’, ‘Ko’],
‘Cancerकर्क’: [‘H’, ‘Da’, ‘De’, ‘Do’, ‘He’, ‘Hi’, ‘Ho’, ‘Hu’],
‘Leoसिंह’: [‘M’, ‘Ma’, ‘Me’, ‘Mo’, ‘Ta’, ‘Te’, ‘To’],
‘Virgoकन्या’: [‘P’, ‘Pa’, ‘Pe’, ‘Po’, ‘Sh’, ‘Ta’, ‘Th’],


Also Read :- Lucky Number Generator

‘Libraतुला’: [‘R’, ‘T’, ‘Ra’, ‘Re’, ‘Ro’, ‘Ta’, ‘Te’, ‘To’],
‘Scorpioवृश्चिक’: [‘N’, ‘Y’, ‘Na’, ‘Ne’, ‘No’, ‘To’, ‘Ya’, ‘Ye’, ‘Yu’],
‘Sagittariusधनु’: [‘F’, ‘Bh’, ‘Dh’, ‘Ph’, ‘Ta’, ‘Yo’],
‘Capricornमकर’: [‘J’, ‘Ga’, ‘Ja’, ‘Je’, ‘Kh’],
‘Aquariusकुम्भ’: [‘G’, ‘S’, ‘Ge’, ‘Go’, ‘Sa’, ‘Se’, ‘So’],
‘Piscesमीन’: [‘D’, ‘Z’, ‘Ch’, ‘De’, ‘Jh’, ‘Th’]


FAQ or Zodiac sign and Rashi Horoscope

below are some frequently asked Questions which are included below you can check and get answer also.

What is Rashi in astrology?

In Vedic astrology, your “rashi” corresponds to your moon sign, and First name letter indicating the zodiac position of the moon at the time of your birth.

How can I know my Rashi?

using our above rashi calculator you can calculate your rashi by first letter of your name.

Also read :- आज का भाग्यशाली रंग क्या है ? 2 मिनट में मुफ्त में जानिए free color calculator se।

How many Rashi are there in astrology?

There are 12 rashi or Zodiac signs are in astrology there names are “Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.

What is my Rashi by birth month?

You can get your rashi or horoscope by your birth date month see the below picture which show details based on birth date. so this way you can find your rashi sign or zodiac sign.

aaj ka rashifal chart
aaj ka rashifal chart
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